Transporting Pets to Paris, France: Pet-Friendly Resources
Whether you're relocating your pet to Paris, France or you've already settled in, Paris is a vibrant, pet-friendly city with plenty to offer. This guide will help you find the best pet-friendly services and spots in Paris.
Vet Clinics
It's helpful to find a vet you're comfortable with when arriving in a new city.
4 Rue Théodore de Banville, 75017 Paris, France
Phone Number: +33 1 47 66 53 56
61 Rue Crozatier, 75012 Paris, France
Phone Number: +33 1 43 43 17 13
Doggy Parks
Pet owners should leash their dogs in all public areas. Pet-friendly parks include fenced-in areas marked for pets. Bring along doggy-bags for clean up, as failure to clean up after your pet can result in hefty fines.
Parc Canin - Stade Pershing
46 Rte de la Pyramide, 75012 Paris, France
Parc à chien
80 Rue Arago, 93400 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, France
A clean pet is a happy pet! For that fresh-pet smell, we recommend one of the following grooming facilities:
11 Rue Duban, 75016 Paris, France
Phone Number: +33 1 42 24 96 88
Phone Number: +33 1 42 03 09 70
Phone Number: +33 6 58 61 33 87
Boarding Kennels
Leaving your furry family members behind for business trips is never fun, but knowing they are in good hands makes for a happy pet and a carefree holiday.
Phone Number: +33 6 15 16 45 62
Phone Number: +33 6 20 02 04 44
Phone Number: +33 7 82 21 75 71
Pet Shops - Pet Supplies
Does your furry family member need a new bone? Is your kitty's catnip getting stale? Check out these local shops for all of your pet care needs!
Note: No one knows your pet like you do. Please be sure to conduct your own research and choose suppliers that meet your fur baby's individual needs!
Planning to move to or from Paris, France with your pet? Reach out to WorldCare Pet for assistance with stress-free pet transportation services, making your move easier for both you and your pet.